MPU is preparing to carry out public procurement of medicines at the expense of the state budget starting from 2020

The State Enterprise “Medical Procurement of Ukraine” (MPU) is preparing for the procurement of pharmaceuticals and medical devices at the expense of the state budget starting from 2020.

“The State Enterprise in partnership with the Kyiv School of Economics has been developed organizational possibilities for procurement at the expense of the state budget of Ukraine starting from 2020”, – informs MPU on its page on “Facebook”, at  the opening of its office.

According to MPU, the State Enterprise continues to “transfer knowledge and experience from specialized international organizations in the form of appropriate regular seminars and development of SRM-base”.

In September 2019, MPU together with its partners ensured the work of the pharmaceutical sector in the pilot project of electronic catalogues Prozorro Market, which allows medical institutions to carry out threshold procurement online for up to 200 thousand UAH.

It was reported that in late January 2019, MPU announced the first tenders for the procurement of pharmaceuticals under the Global Fund programs, in particular, for the procurement of logistics services and pharmaceuticals against opportunistic infections and adverse reactions in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, as well as medical respirators.

It was also decided to send to the regions about 4.5 million bottles of drugs for cancer patients and drugs for the treatment of viral hepatitis B and C, orphan metabolic diseases, pulmonary arterial hypertension. The Ministry is also preparing procurement of medicines in seven more areas for a total of $ 17.8 million