Approval of the Interim Rules for the Regulation of Prices on Medicines in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

In order to ensure the implementation of the state policy on the regulation of prices for medicines, the Government of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan approved Decree No. 579 of 10.29.2019 on the approval of the Interim Rules for the Regulation of Prices on Medicines in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Price regulation is introduced for a specific list of medicines that are reimbursed under the Supplementary Compulsory Health Insurance Program and the Government Outpatient Guarantee Program from the National List of Essential Medicines.

The price regulation procedure is based on comparing manufacturer’s prices of medicines with prices of similar medicines in comparison countries. The approved maximum wholesale and retail prices will be entered in the Electronic Price Catalog, which will be available on the website of the Ministry of Health and the Department of Medicine and medical equipment in the public domain.